Multi-kHz, Ultra-High Voltage Silicon Carbide Thyristors sampled to US Researchers
DULLES, VA, November 1, 2010 –In a first of its kind offering, GeneSiC Semiconductor announces the availability of a family of 6.5kV SCR-mode Silicon Carbide Thyristors for use in power…
GeneSiC wins $2.53M from ARPA-E towards development of Silicon Carbide Thyristor-based devices
DULLES, VA, September 28, 2010 – Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) has entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the GeneSiC Semiconductor-led team towards the development of the novel…
Renewable Energy Thrust Nets GeneSiC Semiconductor $1.5M from US Department of Energy
DULLES, VA, November 12, 2008 – The US Department of Energy has awarded GeneSiC Semiconductor two separate grants totaling $1.5M for the development of high-voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices that…
GeneSiC Semiconductor Awarded Multiple US Department of Energy SBIR and STTR Grants
DULLES, VA, October 23, 2007 — GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc., a fast-rising innovator of high-temperature, high-power and ultra high-voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices, announced that is has been awarded three separate…